B2B ERP system

B2B Travel Aggregator

A travel aggregator of tourist services from different tour operators (such as Anex Tour, Peninsula, Mouzenidis Travel etc.) designed to search the best deals for clients and offer them the possibility to create a complete travel package.

The platform is used by more than 400 travel agencies from the Republic of Moldova and has over 1000 active users. Technologies used: PHP, jQuery, MySQL, Laravel, Composer.

The project was launched in 2017 and is currently operational.

Key features:

  • Integration through API of the services offered by the tour operators (hotel, plane ticket, transfer, medical insurance, etc.)
  • Aggregation of selected services and generation of a complete travel package
  • Management of the list of travel packages
  • Management of the payment of travel packages
  • User groups with specific access rights (administrator, travel manager, travel agency, etc.)
  • Financial reports
Category:B2B ERP system
Date:February 2015
Keywords:B2B, ERP, CRM, travel aggregator, financial reports
Tehnologies:HTML, CSS, jQuery, PHP, MySQL